After years of offering the option do to so, we finally have our first ‘containerised’ composting system in Inukjuak, Quebec!
Thanks to a collaboration with the Kativik Regional Government and Éco-conseil Symbiose, Inukjuamiuq (members of the Inukjuak community) now have their own composting system. The containers were adapted for this project and house a BROME 539, a mixer and a conveyor. The project’s goal is to divert most organic waste (2 metric tons/week) and cardboard (600 kg/week) produced by the village from residential, business and institutional sectors, according to the Kativik Environmental Quality Commission. Composting is a part of the solutions adopted to improve overall waste management in Nunavik, and of nordic landfill sites in particular. By installing the composting system in insulated and heated containers, working conditions are improved as is the composting environment while also reducing or eliminating animal attraction.