Composting Waste from Food Processing | Brome Compost inc. - Brome Compost

Un système modulaire de compostage sur site qui s'adapte à vos besoins.

Obtenez instantanément un devis technique personnalisé.

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MEP Florida Project

                MEP Florida, a producer of high-end fruit juices and cocktails for bars and restaurants, has decided to improve its environmental footprint through concrete actions. They are among the first in the U.S. to compost production residues. Congratulations on the initiative! Brome Compost is proud to be part

Composting Waste from Food Processing

On-site composting of organic waste from food processing operations can help reduce or even eliminate the costs associated with collection and landfilling.


 The image below depicts a project that is adapted for on-site composting at a food-processing facility. Click on the image to get a closer look at the different parts and accessories available for managing organic waste for your sector of activity.

This image presents a BROME Composting System including:  a composter equipped with an extension module to lengthen it to up to 32 feet, a sliding door for easy introduction of materials, a mixer as well as a conveyor.  The materials reception area is ideal for storing organic matter in preparation for the creation of the composting recipe.

  It is possible to configure and adapt the various components to your specific needs.  Contact us for more information.

Composting waste from food processing operations on-site offers several benefits.


  • Avoid landfilling;
  • Eliminate tipping fees;
  • Reduce transport costs when shipping to a landfill or treatment facility;
  • Meet government targets for reducing landfilling volumes;
  • Reduce the cost of organic waste management by composting on a daily basis;
  • Raise additional income through the production and sale of compost.

Easy operation

  • Cleanliness;
  • Minimal operating costs;
  • Few workers needed;
  • Simple installation;
  • Better control over the composting process;
  • Better control over odor management;
  • Better control over ambient conditions : temperature, humidity, evaporation and the risk of unpleasant odors.

BROME Compost offers different composter models and complementary equipment as well as services to adapt to the composting needs of food-processing companies.