TriCycle | Brome Compost

A modular on-site composting system that adapts to your needs.

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Système de compostage industriel et modulaire pour vos besoins spécifiques. BROME industrial compsoting systems are modulaire to adapt to your specific needs.

A modular system for on-site composting that adapts to your needs

We are your partner for on-site composting

Brome Compost is proud to have developed a privileged partnership with TriCycle, which makes our composting system solutions available to all TriCycle networking connections and relations. You can benefit from the experience of the BROME Compost team for the design and implementation of efficient composting systems that are adapted to a large variety of composting needs, such as:

  • Transforming the organic residue into a rich soil amendment
  • Reducing the cost of eliminating organic residues
  • Custom-made solutions adapted to your present and future needs

TriCycle works to raise awareness of the role of edible insects in a circular economy and gives a 3rd life to food by reintroducing it into the food chain. The initiative is born of this opportunity to breed edible insects while also:

  • focusing on a diet that is optimal and in symbiosis with a city-wide circular economy process
  • generating a beneficial by-product for plant crops
  • demonstrating the viability of a process that creates added value for local food residues through insects fighting against  food waste
BROME Composting system installed for Metro Lussier in Waterloo Québec
Composting on a mining site - Dominion Diamond